Samstag, 21. November 2009

CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to "hide" the real data on manmade climate change

James Corbett
The Corbett Report

20 November, 2009

A hacker has leaked thousands of emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University that appear to show how climate change data was fudged and the peer review process skewed to favor the manmade climate change hypothesis.

The link to the data appears to have been posted to a number of climate science websites yesterday by an anonymous hacker or insider going by the name "FOIA," an apparent allusion to the Freedom of Information Act in the United States. One of the first sites where the 62 MB file was posted was The Air Vent. It was soon picked up by Watts Up With That, Climate Audit and other climate science sites.

The information contained in the leaked emails and documents are as shocking as they are damning of the scientists who have been most vocal about the manmade global warming scare. Some of the excerpts include this email, purportedly from Phil Jones to researchers including Michael Mann of "Mann's hockey stick" fame: (...)

According to Investigate magazine out of Australia, Dr. Phil Jones has now confirmed that these emails do appear to be real.

The importance of this information will not be lost on The Corbett Report's audience, as a recent interview I conducted with Tim Ball discussed the very issue of the Climate Research Unit and Phil Jones' intense secrecy regarding their data: (...)

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