Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009

More Lies From Al Gore As He Attempts To Dismiss ClimateGate

Shrugs off “silly” CRU emails as over a decade old while admitting to not having read them

Steve Watson,

Wednesday, Dec 9, 2009
Al Gore has responded to the Climategate emails scandal by doing what he knows best, skirting the truth and making statements that have no correlation to actual known facts.
In an interview with Slate, Gore responds to several questions over the damning leaked emails from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University by lying and suggesting that the emails are all over ten years old.
Here is an excerpt:
Q: How damaging to your argument was the disclosure of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University?
A: To paraphrase Shakespeare, it’s sound and fury signifying nothing. I haven’t read all the e-mails, but the most recent one is more than 10 years old. These private exchanges between these scientists do not in any way cause any question about the scientific consensus. But the noise machine built by the climate deniers often seizes on what they can blow out of proportion, so they’ve thought this is a bigger deal than it is.
Q: There is a sense in these e-mails, though, that data was hidden and hoarded, which is the opposite of the case you make [in your book] about having an open and fair debate.
A: I think it’s been taken wildly out of context.
These people are examining what they can or should do to deal with the P.R. dimensions of this, but where the scientific consensus is concerned, it’s completely unchanged. What we’re seeing is a set of changes worldwide that just make this discussion over 10-year-old e-mails kind of silly.
Of course, if Al Gore had bothered to read any of the emails or spend five minutes looking at any reports related to the greatest scientific scandal of the century, he would know that the emails cover a period of ten years, with the most recent being sent just one month ago on November 12th.
Some of the most damming emails, where the scientists debate being unable to account for a lack of warming, discuss how deceptive their figures may be, and advocate deleting all their emails to avoid freedom of information requests are less than one year old.
As for Gore’s insistence that the “consensus” remains unchallenged, try telling that to the 141 experts at The International Climate Science Coalition who have put their names to an open letter to the UN calling for convincing evidence on dangerous human-caused climate change.
Of course, what else should we expect from Gore? Not only is he is uninterested in debating the issue, he is also uninterested in discussing real solutions to the issue of the increased CO2 emissions that he admits have not been the driving factor behind global warming.
Gore is more at home with faking science to win oscars and photoshopping climate induced mass destruction in order to sell more books.
As we reported last week, Gore’s fragile credibility has been all but smashed by ClimateGate, forcing the world’s first carbon billionaire to cancel his scheduled “Climate Conclusion” event in Copenhagen this week.
Members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have even called for Gore’s 2007 Oscar for “An Inconvenient Truth” to be rescinded.
Gore has also been relentlessly confronted in recent days by activists who have been spurred to speak out against the tyranny of carbon taxes by the Climategate developments.

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