Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009

Dr.Timothy F. Ball on Alex Jones Tv:1/5:Human Co2 Doesn't Cause Global Warming

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Alex talks with Timothy F. Ball, a retired university professor and global warming skeptic. He heads the Natural Resources Stewardship Project and is the former head of Friends of Science, a non-profit organization of those who are skeptical of human-caused global warming.

Dr. Timothy Ball is Chairman and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP).[1] Two of the three directors of the NRSP - Timothy Egan and Julio Lagos - are executives with the PR and lobbying company, the High Park Group (HPG).[2] Both HPG and Egan and Lagos work for energy industry clients and companies on energy policy.[3]
Ball is a Canadian climate change skeptic and was previously a "scientific advisor" to the oil industry-backed organization, Friends of Science.[4] Ball is a member of the Board of Research Advisors of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a Canadian free-market think tank which is predominantly funded by foundations and corporations.[5]

Links: Prisonplanet & SourceWatch

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