Samstag, 17. April 2010

Kill Puppies And Children, But God Forbid, Don’t Hurt The iPad

You Tube user encourages butchering defenseless animals and kids to defend America, but can’t bring himself to accept that a real iPad was tortured
Paul Joseph Watson

Friday, April 16, 2010
Some of the reaction to Alex Jones’ allegorical You Tube video in which he tortures an iPad to make a point about how people care more about the suffering of an inanimate object than they do actual human beings tragically reminds us of just how deeply retarded, savage, and devoid of humanity many people still are.
Alex cited the outrageous attitude of those that acted as apologists for the shocking footage of U.S. Apache helicopter pilots gunning down Iraqi journalists and children and then laughing about it in making the point that the attempted legitimization of torture was stripping people of their basic empathy and that people now care more about technological gadgets than they do the mass slaughter of a million Iraqis since the 2003 invasion.

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