Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009

Paul Joseph Watson - The Daily Show Jon Stewart

"...The last such major “domestic terror plot” in America involved a group out of Miami that supposedly planned to “wage a full ground war against the United States” and bomb the Sears Tower, but who actually turned out to be “a bunch of dipshits living in a warehouse,” as The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart described them.

While you watch today’s incessant government fearmongering and celebration of their latest “terror bust,” recall how last time they pulled this stunt, and the reality of the “dipshits in a warehouse” farce unfolded, it blew up in their faces and only exposed the entire “war on terror” for what it really is - a manufactured hoax designed purely around enlisting support for bombing brown people in broken-backed third world countries while convincing Americans to accept their own enslavement at home..."
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Hier der ganze Artikel

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