Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012

Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

The World is Changing Webcast

3 Day Event with Drunvalo


Here we are!  We have made it to the time of the changing of the guard.  The male consciousness, who has protected us for the last 13,000 years, comes to completion and the new guard, the female consciousness, prepares for her regal assent onto the world stage.  She will lead us into a new balance an d a new way for humanity to express its' love for each other.  What an honor to be alive at this moment!

During this transitional time, Drunvalo Melchizedeck and One Lotus Studios will share this experience with you by broadcasting a three-day series. This series is dedicated to answering your deepest questions, guiding you in meditation into your sacred heart - to sense and feel this magnificent heavenly union of the Earth, the Sun and the Center of the Galaxy.  Drunvalo will accompanying you as you feel this new cycle of Feminine Consciousness as it emerges upon our beloved Earth.

If you feel it in your heart to be with us on December 20, 21, and 22, we will be honored to assist you in remembering your intimate connection to the Source of Life during this remarkable transition.

Please go to Drunvalo‘s Website for more information.

This is free for the world and good for your soul.

3 Day Event with Drunvalo

Join us at for a Very Special Internet Broadcast

A Global Internet Broadcast at Drunvalo‘s Website

December 20, 2012 - The World Is Changing

We are approaching the very moment in the Precession of the Equinox. The day of ending nearly 13,000 years of the old Male Consciousness cycle and the birth of the new Female Consciousness cycle is here.  

During this transitional time we share this experience with you by broadcasting a 3 days series dedicated to answering the questions that have arisen, guiding you in meditation, and accompanying you to the new cycle of Feminine Consciousness.

Drunvalo will be answering listener's questions related to the transition day. He will talk about the time frames of the shift in Consciousness and the expected changes that could take place in the world. 

December 21, 2012 - Galactic Message

On December 21, 2012, at 3:40 am MST the broadcast will begin from Sedona, Arizona preparing you deeply for the moment when the Earth, the Sun and the Center of the Galaxy align in a straight line linking them together. At that instant in time, exactly 4:11 am Mountain Time, USA (11:11 Universal Time) the heart of the Earth, the heart of the Sun and the heart of the Center of the Galaxy will link in love and sexual energy, and from this union, birth is inevitable. Humankind will begin to change in deep inner ways that will culminate over a nine-year period of time in the Birth of a New Humanity and you will be there during this conception and feel the joy of new life.

A few minutes before this cosmic union, Drunvalo will lead us into a Sacred Space/Tiny Space of the Heart Meditation, where you can personally feel the union and remember your intimate connection to all life everywhere. The moment of union will last about eight minutes, and then slowly subside over the next three days. This connection can only be felt and experienced in two places in the world, Guatemala and the Four Corners area of the US. Through my heart, I will attempt to reach you personally wherever you live in the world.

This is the reason the Maya sent a part of themselves to Hopi land long, long ago so they would be in the physical location on Earth to receive this sacred energy of consciousness from the Center of our Galaxy. According to the Maya, it will not happen anywhere else in the world.

Further, while we are in meditation and during this eight-minute energy stream, Drunvalo will ask the Center/Consciousness of our Galaxy to give us a message for our new time on Earth.  He cannot promise it will answer; we can only pray that it will.

December 22, 2012 - Birth of A New Consciousness

On December 22, 2012 (the next day,) Drunvalo will be answering questions about the new Female Consciousness. He will be sharing a message from his heart for all of human kind.